The Om symbol is a combination of curves, a crescent and a dot. The meaning of the Om symbol, while purely looking at its visual form, comes from the states of consciousness that Aum represents. The letter ‘A’ represents the waking state, ‘U’ represents the dream state and ‘M’ is the unconscious state, or state of deep sleep. In the symbol, the waking state is represented by the bottom curve, the dream state is the middle curve and the state of deep sleep is represented with the upper curve. The crescent shape above the curves denotes Maya, or Illusion, which is the obstacle that sits in the way of reaching the highest state of bliss. The dot at the top of the symbol represents the absolute state, which is the fourth state of consciousness and is absolute peace and bliss. This fourth state is believed to be the state in which someone could truly connect with the Divine. The unconscious, or deep sleep, state is where the mind is shut down, dreaming and desiring of nothing. The waking state is general consciousness, looking outwards and involves the use of the five sensesin experiencing the world. The dream state is when consciousness is turned inwards, and a different world is experienced through dreams. The absolute state is when consciousness faces neither inwards or outwards but is quiet and blissful in the ultimate spiritual state of being. The meaning of the Om symbol is very powerful. It is the symbol of peace, tranquillity and unity and a reminder to us all to slow down, focus and just breathe.